Major League Baseball has announced that there will be changes, once again, to the rules of the game. Yesterday, it was announced that changes will be coming to the pitch clock, runner's lane, mound visits, and the pitchers warm up.
Pitch Clock
The 2023 season's biggest change is arguably the introduction of the pitch clock. Many fans debated whether or not this was in favor of the game. The introduction of the pitch clock saw that 20 seconds was set on the clock for the pitcher and batter to be ready for the at-bat in those 20 seconds. The 2024 season will now see the pitch clock shed two seconds and be set at 18 seconds.
Runner's Lane
The game of baseball has always had a runner's lane. There have always been rules about how far or long the runner's lane is. The 2024 season will now see the runner's lane be widened and will now include the dirt between the foul line and infield grass.
Mound Visits
Mound visits are used as a strategy for a manager to help calm down his pitcher who might be struggling or to allow him to talk about pitches thrown or how to attack a batter. Five has always been the magic number for mound visits, the 2024 season will now see four mound visits being integrated into the game. Meaning managers will now have to use them a bit more wisely.
Pitcher Warm Ups
Pitchers warming up before a start or bullpen appearance is something that has always been in the game. Last season, baseball made it known that pitchers will get two minutes and 15 seconds to warm up before an appearance. The 2024 season will now see that number go down to just two minutes with that pitcher who is sent out to warm up for an inning having to face at least one batter.
In 2023, Major League Baseball made it known that these rule changes are meant to speed up the game. Fans developed mixed emotions and had a full season to form an opinion. Just as they have, they will now need to form a new opinion as these changes are already being tweaked.